Leadenhall Complaint Handling Notice

  1. Our commitment to you

    We are committed to providing a high quality insurance service to all our customers and are constantly striving to enhance the experience our customers have with us. However, we want to know if we have not delivered the service that you were expecting from us or if we made a mistake.

    If you consider that you have cause to complain to us the following information will advise you of the process to follow. However, if you have obtained insurance through an insurance intermediary and your complaint relates to their services, please contact your insurance intermediary.

    In certain circumstances, it may be a requirement that we refer your complaint directly to Insurers to acknowledge receipt, investigate and respond. If this is applicable, we may not be able to provide an official acknowledgement, however, we will confirm receipt and advise you accordingly within 48 hours.

  2. How to make a complaint

    Please contact us at your earliest convenience with the following information:

    • The policy/certificate of insurance number.
    • The claim number, if applicable.
    • The insured and / or policyholder and / or beneficiary name.
    • Details of your dissatisfaction.
    • Preferred method of contact.
    • If applicable, evidence confirming you are authorised to act where complaining on behalf of another party.

    You can contact us in one of the following ways:

    For complaints relating to Leadenhall Underwriting Limited:

    In writing:

    Compliance Officer
    Leadenhall Underwriting Limited
    1 King William Street
    EC4N 7AF
    United Kingdom

    Email: complaints@leadenhall-uw.com

    By Phone:

    + 44 (0) 20 7769 6751

    For complaints relating to Leadenhall Europe GmbH or Leadenhall Underwriting Europe GmbH:

    In writing:

    Compliance Officer
    Leadenhall Europe GmbH /
    Leadenhall Underwriting Europe GmbH
    Grosse Strasse 52d
    21521 Wohltorf

    Email: complaints@leadenhall-eu.com

    Whilst not compulsory, we recommend that all complaints are made via email.

  3. Complaint handling procedures

    If your complaint cannot be resolved by the close of the third business day following receipt, we will promptly send you a written acknowledgement of your complaint. This acknowledgment will detail the person handling your complaint, their contact details, and confirm the complaint handling process. For complaints resolved within three business days a final response confirming the resolution will be issued.

    Your complaint will be investigated by the Compliance Officer. Your complaint will be investigated diligently and will be assessed fairly, consistently and promptly.

    If necessary, we may ask you to submit copies of documentation and may request further information from you to assist us with our investigation. A delay in providing requested documentation may result in a delay in issuing the final response.

    Your complaint will be thoroughly investigated which, for complex matters, may take some time. Complaints will be investigated in line with the applicable local regulatory requirements. Note: this is normally, but not always, the regulatory requirements of the country in which the Policyholder is based. In the event that we have been unable to conclude our investigation within the applicable regulatory requirement we will let you know when we expect to be in a position to issue our final response and what options are available to you as a result.

    Our final response letter will be:

    • fair, clear and not misleading;
    • provide details of our investigation and whether the complaint is upheld or partial upheld, or declined; and
    • if relevant, include any offer or remedial action or the appropriate level of redress (or both).

    If you are not satisfied by our final response or you have not received a final response within the regulatory timescale you may be eligible to refer your complaint to your local External Dispute Resolution scheme. This may be an Ombudsman or a Complaints Authority. We will provide the applicable contact details to you. Should there not be a local External Dispute Resolution scheme you may be eligible to refer your complaint to the following:

    Complaints relating to Leadenhall Underwriting Limited

    In writing:

    The Financial Ombudsman Service
    Exchange Tower
    London, E14 9SR

    By Phone:

    0800 023 4567
    0300 123 9123

    Website: www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk

    Please note that the Financial Ombudsman Service will not adjudicate on any complaints were legal action has commenced.

    Complaints relating to Leadenhall Europe GmbH or Leadenhall Underwriting Europe GmbH

    In writing:

    Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin)
    Graurheindorfer Strasse 108
    53117 Bonn

    Tel: 0800 2 100 500 (from inside Germany)

    Tel: +49 (0)228 41080

    Email: poststelle@bafin.de

    Website: www.bafin.de

    Note: The complaint process, including referral to your local External Dispute Resolution Service, UK Financial Ombudsman Service or German BaFin, do not affect your right to take legal action.